Real projects out in the world today.

Columbus Fashion Alliance + Caring for Kids served as pilot projects to validate this program.

What’s included?

Awardees work with a professional design to team to create their own visioning package which includes three key parts that will help them clear the hurdles to the future they seek.

  • A beautiful pitch deck that uses the proven, StoryBrand® messaging framework to invite your audience into a clear and compelling story.

  • A robust, pro forma that proves financially why your idea is not just feasible, but truly a wise investment with a sustainable impact.

  • Realistic 3D renderings and images that will help others visualize what your idea will look like + feel like when it gets built in the real world.

“You can tell the Astra Crew really cares. They are passionate about making impactful designs for nonprofits that are as impactful as their work.”

Yohannan Terrell
CEO of Columbus Fashion Alliance

“Thank you for coming alongside our idea and making it both tangible and a bit terrifying — cause now it can actually come true! We’ve got to get ready!”

Ben Thompson
Director, Caring for Kids